Being located on the border of Langley and Surrey allows high accessibility for our customers seeking expert optometrists. Our comprehensive eye exam services can help identify vision problems, diseases of the eye and general health problems before you are aware that an issue even exists. If it's been a while since your last exam, or if you've never been, you can take comfort in knowing that eye exams don't have to be mysterious or scary.
To help you get a better idea of what to expect at your next visit to Langley Optometry we’ve created a simple, easy to understand guide below.
What can you expect at an eye exam?
Servicing both Surrey and Langley, our optometrists perform comprehensive eye exams including:
Patient History. We’ll ask about your general health and if there have been any recent changes.
Refraction. Your optometrist will use a phoropter (diagnostic glasses) and ask you simple questions to determine if you need glasses and what your prescription is.
Keratometry Reading. This test measures the curvature of the cornea or shape of the front surface of the eye. It is used for contact lens fitting, detection of certain diseases (keratoconus) and for projecting laser eye surgery candidacy.
Dilation Procedure. This procedure is done with most patients, but not all. Your optometrist will let you know if it is required. Drops are administered to screen the health in the retina. Once dilated, each eye is examined using a special magnifying lens that provides a clear view of important tissues at the back of the eye, including the retina, the macula, and the optic nerve.
Retinal Photography. Retinal photography uses a sophisticated digital camera system that takes a detailed photograph of the retina. It’s used to confirm a healthy eye or the presence of disease.
Tonometry. This determines the pressure inside the eye, also known as the intraocular pressure (IOP). Knowing a patient's IOP is the most important tool that we as your Surrey and Langley optometrists have to screen glaucoma.
Visual Field Test. An eye examination that detects dysfunction in central and peripheral vision which may be caused by various medical conditions such as glaucoma, stroke, brain tumours or other neurological deficits.
Visual Acuity Test. This test measures the sharpness of your vision. These are usually performed using a projected eye chart with increasingly smaller lines of letters to measure the accuracy of your near and far sightedness.
Binocular Vision & Oculomotor Testing. Your optometrist will have you follow certain objects and will observe your eyes as they are covered and uncovered to establish how well they work together. You may also use 3-D glasses to measure your depth perception.