Phone: 604-534-4312

Langley Optometry Clinic’s Kids’ Corner
More than 80 percent of a child’s learning is based on vision. In fact, one of six children diagnosed with a learning disability actually has a correctable vision problem.
Taking your child to an eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam is the most important thing you can do for your child’s health.
An eye doctor can complete this test even if your child doesn’t know their ABCs. An eye doctor can use shapes, animals and other child-friendly ways to evaluate vision and eye health. A complete eye exam is required to determine visual-performance problems; vision screenings offered by family doctors or schools, for example, are limited in evaluating a child’s overall eye health. Many serious eye conditions don’t have obvious symptoms; a thorough eye exam by an eye doctor is the only way to know for sure.
Routine eye examinations are an MSP benefit for people under the age of 19.
Below you will find some great resources for parents and teachers and great “Eye Fun” for your child!
Illusions by the National Institute of Environmental Health Science.