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Frequently Asked Questions at Langley Optometry Clinic
Click on one of these common eye care questions to read the answers.
Will my eyes get worse by wearing glasses too much?
How can I prevent my vision from getting worse?
When should a child have his/her first eye exam?
How can you test my child's eyes if he/she is not able to read letters or speak yet?
What are symptoms that may indicate my child is having a vision problem?
How often should disposable contact lenses be replaced?
What causes cataracts?
Does laser eye surgery correct all vision problems?
How often should I have my eyes examined?
Will my eyes get worse by wearing glasses too much?
Your optometrist will explain the purpose of your prescription and when they should be worn. In most cases, glasses will not cause any deterioration that would not otherwise occur. However, wearing glasses for activities other than recommended (i.e. distance glasses worn to read up close) may make the eyes work harder than they need to.
How can I prevent my vision from getting worse?
A regular eye examination is the best way to ensure healthy eyes and good vision. To maintain optimum eye health, have a well-balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables and refrain from smoking. To avoid eye strain, make sure you are wearing the proper glasses for the task and take frequent breaks from long visual tasks such as computer work (every 20 minutes, refocus to something 20 feet or further away, for 20 seconds).
It has also been established that children require an average two hours of natural light (outdoors, regardless of activity), in order to maintain optimum health and reduce the chance of near sightedness.
When should a child have his/her first eye exam?
A child should have their first vision evaluation by the age of 3 and annually thereafter. If there are any concerns, a child can be examined at any age.
How can you test my child's eyes if he/she is not able to read letters or speak yet?
The doctor will use symbols instead of letters. Much of the testing that is done by the doctor requires little input from the child. The child's eye exam is focused on assessment of the strength of the eyes, eye-muscle status, and eye health to ensure proper vision development. Critical information can be obtained about your child's eyes without them needing to say a word!
What are symptoms that may indicate my child is having a vision problem?
There are many symptoms that require attention. They include rubbing eyes, squinting, turning or tilting their head, losing their place or using a finger to follow along when reading, moving their head or mouthing words while reading, headaches, red eyes, wandering eyes, and complaints of blurred vision. Many disorders, such as having one weak eye, may have no symptoms. All children need eye examinations by the age of 3.
How often should disposable contact lenses be replaced?
Replacement time varies depending on eye health and tear chemistry, lifestyle and environmental exposure, time worn per day and days worn per week. Disposable lens replacement options can vary from daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, and even quarterly. Your doctor will assess your eye health and vision status with your contact lenses to ensure you are following an appropriate wearing schedule.
What causes cataracts?
Cataracts are largely an age-related condition, but many factors can enhance earlier onset. Ultraviolet light exposure has a cumulative effect, as does smoking.
Does laser eye surgery correct all vision problems?
Laser eye surgery can now correct most prescriptions, including myopia (near sightedness or blurred far vision), hyperopia (far sightedness or blurred near vision), and astigmatism. It works best for people under the age of 45, as we often need reading glasses (presbyopia) when we reach our forties and laser correction does not correct for this as well.
There are advantages and disadvantages to the procedure and these will vary for each individual; hence, it is best to discuss these with your optometrist.
How often should I have my eyes examined?
Children under the age of 19 should have their eyes examined every year by a doctor of optometry for healthy visual development. Adults should have they eyes examined at least once every two years for the health of their eyes and any changes in refractive power. People over the age of 65 should have their eyes examined every year. As people grow older, you are at a higher risk of developing many serious eye conditions that could be avoided, treated or corrected with regular eye exams.
However, you should have your eyes examined as soon as possible if there are any changes in your vision, or if you feel any discomfort, such as flashing lights. Also, people who suffer from diabetes should have their eyes examined every year.
If you have more questions or want to schedule an appointment, contact us today.